V Legal
第三十六条 外国投资者投资外商投资准入负面清单规定禁止投资的领域的,由有关主管部门责令停止投资活动,限期处分股份、资产或者采取其他必要措施,恢复到实施投资前的状态;有违法所得的,没收违法所得。
36 Where a in the areas, which are by the list for the of - as areas, the shall order it to stop the , and of the , or take other a time limit, and to the the was made; If there is , it shall be .
Where the of a the for the of - areas in the list, the shall order the a time limit and take to meet the set forth by the for the of -; if no have been made the time limit, the of the shall be .
Where the of a the for the of - in the list, in to the of the two , it shall also bear legal under the law.
第三十七条 外国投资者、外商投资企业违反本法规定,未按照外商投资信息报告制度的要求报送投资信息的,由商务主管部门责令限期改正;逾期不改正的,处十万元以上五十万元以下的罚款。
37 If a or a - the of this Law and fails to in with the of the , the shall order it to make a time limit; if no have been made the time limit, a fine of more than 100,000 yuan and less than 500,000 yuan shall be .
第三十八条 对外国投资者、外商投资企业违反法律、法规的行为,由有关部门依法查处,并按照国家有关规定纳入信用信息系统。
38 Any of laws or by or - shall be and dealt with by in with the law and into the in with .
第三十九条 行政机关工作人员在外商投资促进、保护和管理工作中滥用职权、玩忽职守、徇私舞弊的,或者泄露、非法向他人提供履行职责过程中知悉的商业秘密的,依法给予处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。
39 If a staff of an organ his power, his or in in the , and of , or leaks or with trade that he or she knows in the of his , he shall be to law; if he a crime, he shall be held .
第六章 附 则
第四十条 任何国家或者地区在投资方面对中华人民共和国采取歧视性的禁止、限制或者其他类似措施的,中华人民共和国可以根据实际情况对该国家或者该地区采取相应的措施。
40 If any or , or other on the 's of China, the 's of China may take the or the to .
第四十一条 对外国投资者在中国境内投资银行业、证券业、保险业等金融行业,或者在证券市场、外汇市场等金融市场进行投资的管理,国家另有规定的,依照其规定。
41 If the State other for in the , , and other , or in the , and other the of China, such shall be .
第四十二条 本法自2020年1月1日起施行。《中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法》、《中华人民共和国外资企业法》、《中华人民共和国中外合作经营企业法》同时废止。
42 This Law shall come into force on 1, 2020. The Law of the 's of China on Sino- Joint , the Law of the 's of China on -owned , and the Law of the 's on Sino- Joint shall be .
- that have been the of this Law in with the Law of the 's of China on Sino- Joint , the Law of the 's of China on -owned , and the Law of the 's of China on Sino- Joint may their forms of five years after the of this Law. The of this Law shall be by the State .